Around the world there are over 4.3 billion smartphone users and at least 70% of them have some form of smartphone addiction. This is a growing concern around the world as more and more people are becoming hooked to their smartphones. In this article I will be talking about smartphone addiction and discussing what you can do about it if you are addicted to your smartphone.
What Is Smartphone Addiction?

Smartphone addiction is a behavioral addiction to smartphones which results in the excessive and problematic use of a smartphone. It usually causes tension among friends and family as well as impacts the daily lives of the addicted individual and those around them.
Smartphone addiction is also seen among people that have a fear of being without their smartphone. It is also commonly seen among people addicted to the internet and social media.
Smartphone addiction often leads to health problems such as insomnia as well as mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.
What Causes Smartphone Addiction?
Smartphone addiction is caused by a variety of factors including loneliness, stress, unstable home and work environments and existing mental health conditions. A lot of smartphone addictions start out as spending extra time on a phone to relax and relieve stress.
But this can soon become an addiction and combined with other factors mentioned above makes smartphone addiction much more likely. Many people reach for their phones to unwind, calm down or avoid awkward or stressful situations.
As people continue to do this they become more reliant on their smartphone which later results in a smartphone addiction.
What Are The Signs Of Smartphone Addiction?

There are many common signs of a smartphone addiction but you might not always notice them yourself. If someone mentions you’re spending too much time on your phone you probably are.
People with a smartphone addiction can’t stay away from their phones and are constantly reaching for it or doing something on it. They will find it very difficult to put it down and will get anxious, angry or sad when they are not using it.
Other common signs of a smartphone addiction include
- Always having your phone in your hand
- Your constantly check your phone
- You take your phone with you to the bathroom
- You use your phone while eating and watching TV
- You putt off jobs and important tasks to use your phone instead
- You focus on your phone while on a date or out with friends
- Phone always comes first and your can’t be without it
- Panicking if your phone goes flat or you leave it at home
As you can see there are many indicators of a smartphone addiction and it can severely impact your life as well as the lives of the people around you.
If you have any of the signs talked about there you could be using your phone too much and it would be a good idea to have a talk to someone you trust to help you decide what you should do about it.
What Are The Effects Of A Smartphone Addiction?
Smartphone addictions have many physical and mental health effects on people experiencing them and can also lead to health conditions if it goes on long term. This is why anyone with a smartphone addiction should get help as soon as they can to avoid any health conditions that could be caused by it.
Physical effects of smartphone addiction include
- Eye strain
- Muscle pain
- Diffculty sleeping
- Difficulty concerntrating
- Strained and conflicted relationships
Mental effects of smartphone addiction include
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Stress
- Panic attacks
- Poor academic or work performance
As you can see smartphone addictions can have a big impact on your life and can cause some serious problems which is why you should get on top of your smartphone addiction. Not only will you have better overall health but you will also have a better quality of life once you have sorted out your smartphone addiction.
Smartphone Addiction- What Can You Do About It?

If you have a smartphone addiction and want to get over it there is help readily available no matter where you are in the world. There are many things you can do to help you manage your smartphone addiction.
The best thing to do is start by talking to someone your trust a like a friend, partner or family member. From there you should decide if you need to get professional help to recover from your smartphone addiction.
If you decide to fight it on your own it will be harder but either way there are many things you can do it do fight it.
Here are some things you can do to fight your smartphone addiction
- Remove apps that you spend a lot of time on
- Turn off notifications to prevent you checking your phone every time it vibrates or makes a noise
- Spending time doing other things you enjoy instead of using your phone
- Turn off or put away your phone at night before you go to bed
- Schedule your phone use and limit how much time your spend using it
If the above tips don’t help or you are still struggling with your smartphone addiction it is best to get professional help. You should consult a therapist or other health professional for further help.
It’s also important find a hobby to occupy yourself and surround yourself with supportive friends and family to help your recover from your smartphone addiction.
It is always possible to get over a smartphone addiction and with the right help you can change your life and break free of your smartphone addiction.
How To Prevent Smartphone Addiction
A smartphone addiction can be prevented and the best way to do so by not relying on your phone. Use your phone only when it’s necessary and use it as the only way of keeping in touch with people.
You should also delete any apps that you don’t need and spend your spare time doing things that don’t involve your phone. If you are a parent of a child the best way to prevent a smartphone addiction is by limiting your child’s phone use.
Only let them use their phone with your permission and for a set amount of time each day. One final piece of advice for anyone trying to prevent a smartphone addiction is set boundaries for yourself on how much you use your phone and if all else fails buy a phone that is not a smartphone.
In conclusion at least 70% of smartphone users around the world have a smartphone addiction which is a growing concern in society. A smartphone addiction is a behavorial addiction which results in the excessive and problematic use of a smartphone.
Common signs of a smartphone addiction include always having you phone in your hand, constantly checking your phone, taking your phone with you to the bathroom and many other simillar behaviors.
If you have a smartphone addiction you can try things like removing unnesscary apps, turning off notifications, doing other activities you enjoy and also consider getting professional help.
The best way to prevent a smartphone addiction is to not rely on your smartphone. Use your phone only when it’s neccesary and find other ways to connect with people. If all else fails you can buy a phone that is a not smartphone.
Preventing a smartphone addiction is easier then getting over one but either way you can break free of your smartphone addiction with the right help and support around you.
Thank you for reading. I hope that you enjoyed this article about smartphone addiction. If you have any question or if you need any help let me know in the comments.