Buying and selling smartphones is a popular hobby and can also be a business model for some people. If you are interested in getting started with buying and selling smartphones you might be wondering if it is worth doing and it is profitable. In this article I will be answering the question buying and selling smartphones is it profitable as well as going over some other important information that you need to know to get started buying and selling smartphones.
What Is Buying & Selling Smartphones? 
Buying and selling smartphones is usually done for the purpose of making a profit and is usually done with older model smartphones or ones that have been refurbished. Buying and selling smartphones can be done as a hobby and it is a popular business model that has good earning potential long term if done correctly.
How Does Buying & Selling Smartphones Work?
Buying and selling smartphones for a profit is an enjoyable and rewarding task but there is some work involved. You will need to constantly on the lookout for good smartphones deals on smartphones that are in really good condition at good prices.
This means you will need to do research often and know the value of smartphones to be able to get smartphones at a good price and still be able to sell them at a higher price for a profit. It’s common to see people selling their old smartphones that don’t need or want anymore but it is also a good business model.
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The Smartphone Resale Business Model
Buying and selling smartphones for a profit as a business is known as smartphone resale and also a phone flipping. The goal and purpose of the business model is simply to buy smartphones in good condition at a low prices and resell at a higher price to make a profit.
Here is a run down of how this business model works
- Look locally and online for cheap smartphone deals
- Make sure the smartphones you are interested are in good condition and fully work
- Evaluate the value of the smartphone and decide if it is worth purchasing
- Purchase the smartphone at a low price
- Wait for the smartphone to arrive if you are getting it shipped to you
- Investigate the smartphone and make sure it works and has no issues
- Reevaluate the smartphone to determine it’s value
- Decide on a price for reselling the smartphone that is higher than the price you paid for it but not more than the smartphone is worth
- List the smartphone for sale online
- Wait for a sale and then post or deliver the smartphone to the buyer
- Receive money when the sale is complete
- Repeat this process for more smartphones to keep building your business and keep making money
As you can see the smartphone resale business model is quite easy to understand and work with. It will require a fair bit of work to run it but that’s the case no matter what kind of business you have. The good thing is that it’s easy to start, you can do it from home and you have a wide range of smartphones to choose from with a large market to sell to.
One other great thing about this business model is that you can do this business model with new and used smartphones and still make a good profit but you don’t just have to do smartphones you can do any type of phone you like following the same process for smartphones and make money in the same way.
Similar Smartphone Business Models
Aside from the smartphone resale business model which is also known as phone flipping there are some other similar business models you can start instead of buying and reselling smartphones.
Firstly there is the phone restoration business model which involves buying damaged or broken phones and restoring them to working condition and then selling them for a profit. With this business model you buy damaged or broken phones locally or online, restore them to working condition and sell them locally or online for a profit.
Secondly there is the option of starting a phone repair business with a physical store in your local area but this is expensive to start and the phone restoration business model is a better option if you want to work from home and don’t have a lot of money to start your business.
There are also other options for starting a smartphone business online which include a phone support website, a dropshipping store in the smartphones niche and there is also the option of a smartphone review business where you make money with affiliate marketing by reviewing smartphones on your own website or YouTube channel and earning commissions when someone buys a smartphone you are promoting using your affiliate links.
Things To Keep In Mind About Smartphone Businesses
As you can see there are many options out there for starting a smartphone related business. I think the smartphone resale business model is the easiest and best option for beginners, people with not much money to start a business and those that want a business that is easy to start and understand.
No matter what kind of smartphone business you start there will be a fir bit of work involved but the other options I discussed here involve a lot more work than a smartphone resale business.
If you are not interested in a smartphone business but you want to learn more about smartphones you should start by reading some articles about smartphones. If you would like to read about a basic smartphone you could consider the Alcatel T 5033T and if you want to learn about smartphones for seniors you could consider starting by learning about the options out there for smartphones for seniors.
If any of this interests you I have articles about them on this website. I also have other articles about different smartphones on this website to so please feel free to browse and read whatever articles interest you.
Click Here To Read My Alcatel T 5033T Review
Click Here To Read My Smartphones For Seniors What Are The Options? Article
Buying & Selling Smartphones Is It Profitable? 
Buying and selling smartphones can be quite a profitable business model due to the many smartphones available to choose from and the large smartphone market that you can sell to. There is always someone looking to buy a smartphone whether it is new or used and that means there is earning potential for you and your business.
In the beginning it will be slow and take some time to get started and start making sales. But that’s normal for any business because building any type of business takes time and you won’t start earning money and making sales straight away. But once you do the sky is the limit and your business can become as profitable as you want it to be.
Before we get into the actual profits and amount of money you can make with a smartphone resale business it’s important you understand the costs of starting one as well.
Costs Of Starting A Smartphone Resale Business
Starting a smartphone resale business is pretty low cost but you will need to have some money available to start one. You will need the money to buy the first smartphones for your business to get it up and running.
Depending on where you buy the smartphones, which smartphones you buy and how many smartphones you buy to start with it could cost you up to $1000 to start your business. As a general rule I recommend you have between $500 and $1000 available to start your business.
It could cost a lot less than this if you find some good deals but it’s best to have the money available in case you need it. You should also consider using any old smartphones that you have and no longer need or want and selling them as a part of your business.
This will save you some money in the beginning to and when you buy the first smartphones for business make sure to not buy too many to start with. Just a few is a good start and you can buy more once you sell the first lot and start making money.
Online Costs Of Starting A Smartphone Resale Business
Aside from buying the first smartphones for your business which is the main startup cost there also some other costs that you need to be aware of because they could apply to you and your business. Firstly if you need to register your business name it could cost money in your country.
Secondly if you don’t know anything about smartphones and the smartphone resale business model you will need to learn about and depending on how you learn and where you get training it could cost money to. Thirdly It could cost money to list and sell your smartphones depending on where you sell them.
I recommend you sell mostly online on websites like eBay as you will reach a lot more people this way and it is free to list items unless you want to add additional features to your eBay listings or if you are listing more than 250 items per month.
Finally there could be other costs if you set up and online store somewhere else other than eBay because a lot of eCommerce websites have monthly fees and subscriptions. If you set up your own website and decide to sell smartphones on there instead you will have domain and hosting costs as well.
However I advise against these options and I recommend you start selling on eBay because it is a lot cheaper and you will reach a lot more people that. As you can see there are some costs involved with starting a smartphone resale business and you will need to keep an inventory and handle postage and shipping.
That is why it’s important to have some money available to start your business. But the good news is that it won’t cost much to start and you have a lot of earning potential meaning you could easily make your money back quite quickly once you start making sales.
Buying & Selling Smartphones Is It Profitable? 
Now that you know about the costs of starting a smartphone resale business it’s time to talk about the profit. So you are probably wondering is buying and selling smartphones profitable? And the answer is yes it is and there is a lot of money to be made with buying and selling smartphones.
The amount of money you make will depend on what smartphones you buy and sell, how much you sell them for, how many sales you make and how much work you put into your business. It’s possible to make a couple of hundred dollars per week, a few hundred dollars a month and even thousands of dollars per month as your business grows.
Let’s go over some examples of how much some smartphones can sell for to give you an idea of the earning potential in a smartphone resale business.
Example #1 Alcatel 1X
The Alcatel 1X is currently selling for around $55 used and $110 brand new. This if you sold 5 of these in one week you could make $275 if they are used ones or $560 if they are brand new ones.
Example #2 iPhone 5
The iPhone 5 is currently selling for between $35 and $100 used and up to $150 brand new depending on the specifications of the phone. This means if you sold 5 of these in one week you could make up to $500 dollars if they are used ones and up to $750 or more if they are brand new ones depending on how much you sell them for.
Example #3 Samsung Galaxy S10
The Samsung Galaxy S10 is currently selling for up to $400 used and up to $500 brand new depending on the model and specifications of the phone. This means if you sold 5 of these in one week you could make up to $2000 if they are used ones and up to $2500 if they are brand new ones depending on how much you sell them for.
Things You Need To Remember About The Smartphone Market
As you can see the smartphone market is quite good and smartphones can sell for a quite lot of money depending on what smartphone it is and the model and specifications of it. Remember smartphone prices go up and down and the examples I have shown are just to give you an idea of the profits and earning potential.
You should also remember that you will not be paying prices like I have shown in the examples because you will be find smartphones in good condition for as low price as possible from many different sources and then selling them for a profit similar to what the prices I have shown in the examples.
How To Maximize Your Profits
To get the most profits out of your smartphone resale business you are going to need to do the work required to be successful. Consistency is key and the more time and effort you put into your business the better results you will see with your business in the future.
You are also going to need to know a fair bit about smartphones, do a lot of research, keep an eye on the smartphone market, watch your competitors and how they are performing and keep an eye on the value of different smartphones and how much they are selling for over time.
There is also another thing you can do to increase your profits which is if you find that a certain smartphone is selling fast in your business buy more of the same smartphone and sell them. Also make sure to look at the trends, what smartphones people are looking for and what smartphones are selling well with other businesses.
The most important thing to do to maximize your profits is to make sure you always buy smartphones that fully work and are in good condition. You can buy and sell used smartphones to as long as they work and are not worn, damaged or broken in any way.
The reason you need to stick to this rule is because if you buy smartphones that are damaged, broken or have something wrong with them the value will decrease a lot and you will find it a lot harder to sell them. Always be open and honest in your listings and communications but make sure to always avoid making the mistake of trying to sell smartphones that are damaged, broken or have something wrong with them.
The Full Earning Potential Of Buying & Selling Smartphones
As you have read buying and selling smartphones can be very profitable and you can make some very good money with it. There are no guarantees on if you will make any money and how much money you will make but there is a lot of earning potential with this business model. The smartphone resale business model makes a good side hustle that you can run from home and work on it each week in your spare time.
You have the potential to make some extra money which is mostly likely how things will be in the beginning. But as your business grows you will a high earning potential over time and you have the potential to make a full time income from your business because the sky is the limit and it is definitely worth doing if it is something you are interested in.
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How To Get Started Buying & Selling Smartphones? 
You should now know how a smartphone resale business works and how profitable it can be. It you are interested in starting a smartphone resale business it’s going to take a bit of time to get up and running but it’s not as hard as you think it is to start one.
There is a fair a bit of work to do but it is worth doing to give yourself the potential to make good money. It’s not as easy as it sounds but it’s not that complicated either.
Here’s a rundown of how to start a smartphone resale business
1. Learn About Smartphones
The first thing you need to do is learn before you do anything else. You need to learn as much as you can about smartphones and the smartphone market. You are also going to need to learn more about the smartphone resale business model if you haven’t already learned enough about it by reading this article.
Take as much time as you need to learn and don’t rush. Ask as many questions as you need to and explore many different resources to learn all the things you need to know. Once you have spent some time learning and you feel ready you can then move onto to actually starting your smartphone resale business.
2. Register Your Business
Now that you’re ready to start your smartphone resale business you need to start by checking the rules and regulations in your country regarding ABNs and business registrations. Most countries have a process like this so you need to check the rules and regulations for your country.
If you need an ABN which is might be called something else in your country you will need to register for one which is usually free. You will also need to register your business name at this time and pay any required fees at the time doing that. Once again make sure to check the rules and regulations in your country so you need know what you need to do to register your business and if there will be any fees and costs involved in the registration.
3. Set Up Your Business
Once you have registered your business it’s time to set up your business and get started. To start with you will need to do some research and have a good look around for some good and cheap smartphones that are in good condition and you think are worth buying to be the first smartphones you are going to sell with your business.
Now is the time to get out and prepare any old smartphones you have that you no longer need or want and add them to your business as well. If you are wondering where to look for good smartphones deal there are many good places to look. You can look at Facebook Marketplace for your area as well as many other websites like eBay, Amazon and many more.
While you are waiting to receive the smartphones you purchased you will need to set up your webpage, eBay page and profile or whatever page or website you are going to be using for your business to sell your smartphones. It’s best to sell on a website like eBay as it’s easy to use and run whereas Facebook marketplace will be harder to sell on as it’s more for your local area so eBay or another similar website is best and you will get more exposure organically to.
4. List & Sell Your Smartphones
Once you have done this and you receive the smartphones you purchased it is time to test and examine the smartphones, take photos of the smartphones, determine a price for each one and create listing for each one on eBay or wherever it is that you are going to be selling them.
5. Promote Your Business
Once you have listed your smartphones you will now need to promote your business and advertise it along with the smartphones you have listed. You can use social media to do this and other free methods but if you are using eBay or other similar websites to sell your smartphones you will also get found organically as well.
While you are waiting to make your first sales keep promoting your business when you need to and spread the word to family and friends to as they could end up spreading the word to other people giving you and your business more exposure.
6. Keep Researching & Running Your Business
You should also keep an eye on the smartphone market and watch for changes and trends while also making sure to check your listings regularly, respond to messages and comments and post the smartphones that get sold as soon as possible. You could also look for other good and cheap smartphones but don’t buy too many until you start making your first sales.
Once you have made your first sales you will need to look around for more good and cheap smartphones if you haven’t already and list and sell them like you did with the first ones.
In between sales you will need to be constantly research the smartphone market, keeping up with changes and trends, monitoring your business, sales and performance as well as engagement with people by responding to comments and messages, providing customer support if it is necessary and always be on the lookout for good smartphone deals as your business grows.
7. Rinse & Repeat
From here on out you pretty much rinse and repeat and your business will keep growing which will give you more profit over time. Once you are at the point of making sales regularly on a consistent basic you will have more potential to grow your business and make more money.
This would be a good time to explore growth strategies and ways to increase your profits and business growth. One good thing is if you are using eBay to sell your smartphones you can also trying listing some of them as an auction as you can get a lot of money sometimes from auctions because some people are willing to pay a high price to get the smartphone they want making it a great way to make some really good money.
Don’t Give Up On Your Smartphone Resale Business
Remember it will take some time to start your business and to start making money but over time you will start making sales and be able to build your business up to the point of making consistent sales and getting some really good money from it.
There is always someone looking for a smartphone and the smartphone market is always growing and changing for the better so you will have a lot of business and profit potential while also having the whole world at your fingertips so you can build a successful smartphone resale business.
Where To Learn About Smartphones & The Smartphone Resale Business Model
In case you are stuck for resources and are wondering where to learn about smartphones and the smartphone resale business model there is actually a lot of information out there. There is also a lot more to learn than what I have covered in this article.
You can learn about smartphones on YouTube as well as on blogs, smartphone forums and many other places like this online. There is also training out there about smartphone businesses and about the smartphone resale business model. I’m going to show you one that is low cost and will teach you everything you need to know about smartphones and the smartphone resale business model.
In this training you will get a 50 page eBook, a 10 part video series that goes further in depth than the eBook does, 60 day customer support and a 100% money back guarantee if you don’t like it or are not satisfied with your purchase. If this sound interesting to you be sure to check it out so you can get the training you need to start your smartphone resale business.
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Pros & Cons Of Buying And Selling Smartphones
- Low startup cost
- Large smartphone market
- Many smartphones to choose from
- Can be done from home
- Can be done from anywhere in the world
- High profits and high earning potential
- Good side hustle that has potential to generate a full time income
- Can be time consuming
- Will require a lot of learning if you don’t know much or anything about smartphones
- Not good as a passive income option because you have to be actively working on your business
In conclusion buying and selling smartphones for a profit is known as phone flipping and also as the smartphone resale business model. It involves buying smartphones that are in good condition and fully work for a low price and then selling them at higher price still within the value range of the smartphones to make a profit.
Buying and selling smartphones is very profitable and you have the potential to make some good money from it. It is a good side hustle and it has the potential to make you a full time income over time. Starting a smartphone resale business has a low startup cost, you can work from home and it can be done from anywhere in the world.
Remember it will take time to start making sales and earning money just like with any other business. But if you are consistent and keep at it you will start making sales and earning money. The sky is the limit and the smartphone market is large and is always growing and changing for the better. You will have a lot of business and profit potential so you can build a successful smartphone resale business.
Thank you for reading. I hope that you enjoyed this review. If you have any questions or need any help let me know in the comments.